I come from the city of Bombay which is known to be a very hectic and fast city. City of chaos city of lights, money and dream, but somewhere the city failed to grow in me, I grew my roots from my motherland in Calcutta. A city where my parents were born but my parents had to leave the place due to political scenario. Going back to these places, was somewhere very nostalgic, not so different but the banks of Ganges feel more home to me. Some places that remind me of my lost family and time spent with them, tales of the birds that I never saw I realised it was only a way to calm me down when I was crying.
The morning sirens on the ghats of Ganges makes my soul feel older, the smell of the cow dung cakes and the brick factory with the noise of engine driven boats crossing Ganges.
Hence the closest I could be to myself was when I went to the fish markets of Bombay that had the shared one same element of Calcutta was the occupation of Fishing.
The fish business in bombay is very peculiar and is very unlike other cities or places, the fishermen in Bombay start sailing once in every eight days, their routine involves seven days of sailing and on return they sell all their catches which start at early morning 4am. While they finish they start preparing for the sail on the eight day and again leave for another seven days of sail. This sail doesn’t include any insuarance papers, statement of purpose for sail and sometimes end up going to the international waters during storms in the sea. The price of these lives are just one thousand euros for a week of sail.
The scene on the left is of the sassoon dock, the dockyard where the main commerce of the fish market takes place. Is also one of th most haunted places in the city. The dockyard is left deserted from ten in the day to four in the morning.